Mr Kiss and Tell by Rob Thomas and Jennifer Graham
The Neptune Grand has always been the seaside town’s ritziest hotel, despite the shady dealings and high-profile scandals that seem to follow its elite guests. When a woman claims that she was brutally assaulted in one of its rooms and left for dead by a staff member, the owners know that they have a potential powder keg on their hands. They turn to Veronica to disprove—or prove—the woman's story.
The case is a complicated mix of hard facts, mysterious occurrences, and uncooperative witnesses. The hotel refuses to turn over its reservation list and the victim won’t divulge who she was meeting that night. Add in the facts that the attack happened months ago, the victim’s memory is fuzzy, and there are holes in the hotel’s surveillance system, and Veronica has a convoluted mess on her hands. As she works to fill in the missing pieces, it becomes clear that someone is lying—but who? And why?
I'm back with another Veronica Mars review! Last time I hadn't watched the TV show and movie, but now that I have I am so addicted to the VMars world!
Mr Kiss and Tell starts 6 months after the previous book ended. For those who have watched the Veronica Mars movie know why Eli is back in trouble wit the law, well we are finally get the outcome of that court case. There are two distinct story lines in this novel, the same why that Thomas did in the TV show. Eli and Kieth are working on discrediting the sheriff's department while Veronica is trying to find out who attacked Meg Manning's little sister Grace.
Grace Manning is a blast from the past for Veronica after everything that happened in high school with Meg and Duncan. Grace was attacked and left for dead, with no witness and only DNA evidence to figure out who did this to Grace, the sheriff's department aren't really interested in who did this to Grace. With Veronica on the case, she uncovers a secret which Grace doesn't want anyone to know. Veronica being Veronica keeps on digging until she finds more victims of the same attacker in different states.
Kieth, Cliff and Eli are working on Eli's civil case against the sheriff's department, trying to discredit them after what happened to both Kieth and Eli. This isn't the greatest time for the sheriff's department as it is an election year with another runner whom Kieth knew 35 years ago.
With both these cases going on Veronica has little time to spend with Logan, who has been back for 2 months now. After watching the TV show I was super glad for more Logan! Both having grown up since college, their relationship right now is a lot stronger. Mac! So glad that we got a lot of Mac, who had some family things come up again but none the less still awesome. Wallace I want you more than a chapter please!
Mr Kiss and Tell is a fantastic edition to the Veronica Mars franchise. Seeing how much Veronica has really grown since the TV show and how she still handles her cases in the same sort of way is great. The way that Thomas has taken Veronica Mars from the TV show to the movies and now the book series shows everyone how brilliant this franchise is. The mystery and characters who you love just draw you in for a ride that is Veronica Mars.
Thanks so much for Allen & Unwin for the review copy & the Veronica Mars addiction!
Rating: 4.5/5
Keely xx
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